Season 1 Weekly Sale

Weekly sales will start after the first set of Figurines are released for sculpting.

  • When: Announced in the WhiteDragon NFT Discord server

  • Duration: 24 hours or sold out, whichever first

  • Supply: Differs weekly, see below

  • Price: 18 WAX per chest

  • Whitelist criteria:

    • Attempted any Painted Figurine blend (regardless of variant, type and outcome) the week prior (e.g. if drop is in the week of 12 December 2022, must have blended during 4 - 11 December 2022)

    • Each attempt guarantees you 1 claim (i.e. 5 attempts to blend Painted Figurine = 5 claims)

As usual, a portion of the sale will be added to the season completion reward pool (post fees and costs).

Last updated